Victoria Day: Open or Closed?

The long-awaited Victoria Day long weekend is finally upon us! Aside from watching Harry and Meghan’s nuptials on Saturday, what plans do you have? If you own a retail shop or have employees, are you planning on opening/working?


In the province of Ontario, Monday is considered a statutory holiday – which means that technically you are supposed to be closed. There are, of course, exceptions to every rule – but knowing those rules is important.


This is the list of public holidays in Ontario:

1. New Year's Day

2. Family Day

3. Good Friday

4. Victoria Day

5. Canada Day

6. Labour Day

          7. Thanksgiving Day

          8.  Christmas Day

          9.  Boxing Day (December 26)


Each province has a different list, so if you are outside of Ontario, be sure to consult your provincial guidelines. I like referring to the Ministry of Ontario website one in Ontario, found here if I need some clarification.


Beyond knowing if you are open or closed, unless you are in an industry that is exempt, most employees are entitled to public holiday pay – so even though they are not working, you are required to pay them. The calculation can be a bit tricky, but this is a link to a handy tool which will help calculate holiday pay.


To complicate things even more, on January 1st the province of Ontario implemented new public holiday pay calculation rules – and on May 7th they announced that they are reverting back to the old calculation.


Payroll can be to your bookkeeper about how your business is impacted by holiday pay.


Happy Victoria Day!
